Dr. Mrutyunjay Suar


Entrepreneurial professor with Masters in Marine Biotechnology from Goa University, PhD in Molecular Microbiology from University of Delhi in 2003 and Postdoc at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. He returned to India and established the School of Biotechnology in 2007 under KIIT University in Bhubaneswar. To promote technology and innovation, he also established KIIT-Technology business incubator (KIIT-TBI), promoting deep tech start-up companies. He is a strong promoter of technology for all and works especially in the sector of public health innovation and technology development. Under his leadership, KIIT-TBI nurtured more than 200 start-up companies and created almost 4000+ jobs and established Centre of Excellence, supported by DST, GoI. He is committed to replicate the successful incubation model in other states of East and North East regions of India, for which BIRAC has established the BIRAC Regional Centre @KIITTBI focusing on East and North East states of India. He also founded two companies and has a very active research group in the area of Salmonella biology and nano-biomaterials and published more than 100 research articles and filed 4 patents.