Patent Search

As a service to the researchers, the TTO conducts patent search using various tools available in-house.

TTO staff can assist you with any questions about the patent search. Usually, it is beneficial to do a patent search before you start your research project to find out if the relevant technologies have already been developed by researchers in India or worldwide. It helps to use the patents for identifying the gap area in the research as well.

Moreover, a patent filing application requires a prior art search to be conducted and documented in the application. So it makes sense to conduct a patent search before and during the research work to detail out the areas where your invention could still hold meaning as a new patent that can be granted.

If you find patents/patent applications that are similar or potentially related to an invention you are developing you should disclose this to our office when you submit an invention disclosure form.

A few websites allow you to conduct your own patent search. You may use the following links to conduct your patent search:

Government of India has introduced a Scheme for Facilitating Start-Ups Intellectual Property Protection (SIPP) that extends to 31-Mar-2023.

Every country has its own patent laws and those laws define the protection of your intellectual property in that country. You will need to apply for appropriate intellectual property registration in the country you wish to protect your invention in. However, there are a few provisions that can help you get the priority of your application protected. You may use Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) filing. The Treaty makes it possible to seek patent protection for an invention simultaneously in each of a large number of countries by filing an “international” patent application.


  5. Google Patent